
...or, better, my playroom

hardware & systems

desktop DELL Intel Core2 running Linux Ubuntu
2x desktop DELL Intel Core5 running Win7-Pro 64 bit
network stuff (router, switches, cables,...)
Marconi ARM-9401 HF modem
Harris RF-5710A HF modem
ELAD SDR receiver FDM-S1 managed by SDR-Console v2/v3
Rybakov antenna 9mt + UnUn 4:1
AOR AR2001 scanner
ICOM R50 scanner
Arduino microcontrollers (2xMega 2560-R3, Uno) and related equipment (ICs, breadboards, ...)

software for analysis

SA  signals analyzer, download
BEE - bitstream editor and analyzer, download
XVI32 - hex editor, download
Sorcerer - collection of decoders, download
MultiPSK - collection of decoders, download
Rivet_b90 - free open source Enigma 2000 decoder, download
bit converter (from PSK dibit,tribit symbols to bit), download
Gray converter, download


  1. Which software do you use for all your decodes?

    Jim Gay

  2. the job is mostly from the modems but I also use the "Sorcerer" software. Analysis are performed using SA (Signals Analyzer, and some bit editors

  3. I'am new in digital SWL world. SA seem to no longer be available. Some ideas on how to get SA key for full SA?
    Franco Steffe'

    1. ciao Franco! scrivimi in privato:

  4. The author has sadly past away.
    Still hoping to find a keymaker for this wonderfull software.

  5. I am also looking for an SA Key. Otherwise i cannot use the final, downloaded version.......73........Steve......W6SLD /

  6. Hello
    I hope to find a download link for the BEE (Bit Stream Editor) application
    thanks for trying to help me.

  7. hi I hope you are doing well
    how do I know the framing used after demodulation
    thank you.

  8. how do I know submode (user data rate)
    and interleaving for the Stanag-4285 waveform

  9. "how do I know the framing used after demodulation": if you refer to FSK then the framing is recognizable by the START/STOP bits positions.

    "how do I know submode (user data rate)and interleaving for the Stanag-4285 waveform": STANAG-4285 is not an autobaud waveform so you have to proceed by attempts setting the decoder with the various sub-modes until you find the one that produces fewer errors. Anyway, the user data-rate can be detected looking at the n-ary costellation. Usual modes are 600S and 1200L.

  10. hi, what is the difference between transmission mode and protocol
    thank you.

    1. Transmission mode or communication mode is referred to as transmission of data between two devices using a communication channel and defines the direction of the signal flow. Briefly, there are three modes of ransmission:simplex, half duplex, and full duplex. Anyway, commonly, "transmission mode" is also used to indicate the "modulation mode" that is used to transfer data/voice over the carrier signal (AM, FSK, PSK,... and so on) and sometimes also to refer the nature of the signal (digital/analogic).
      A "protocol" is a set of rules and specifications shared between two connected devices that need to communicate. Talking about "protocol" we should more correctly speak of "stack of protocols", where each protocol sits on its proper layer (phisycal, data-link, ...): i.e. a transmission of a message may take place using STANAG-5066 (a data-link protocol which defines how data bits are arranged) over MIL-STD 188-110A ST ("HF" protocol which defines the used waveform in terms of symbols, coding, modulation,..). Briefly, any comunication relies on a shared stack of protocols and a transmission mode.
      Actually, things are more complicated and time-consuming to explain ... but hope it helps.

  11. Hello, I hope you are well, I want to know if there is an amateur tool to demodulate STANAG-4538. thank you

    1. I'm quite well thank you, hope the same for you. Don't know, maybe Comint K500 might do the job but I can't be sure... however it is definitely not an amateur tool. Have a nice weekend.

  12. hello, you do a very good job, I hope to reach your level, I have a question if you can help me, I have a signal AVS HARRIS, I know that this mode uses 2700Hz, with 24 sub-bands, I want to subdivide the band 2700Hz into 24 sub-bands, and I measure the power of each sub-band, then I am reorganizing these bands, by power of the largest to the smallest, I think it's the right solution to recover this blurred communication clear, what do you please, is that you can help me finalize this idea.


    1. your idea about re-assembling the channels in a per signal-strength order could work but remember that channels are also partially inverted. Obviously, the guard interval between the channels shall be cancelled by translating each channel (upwards or downwards)

    2. hi, what does partially reversed mean, what should i do to correct this problem.

  13. Can you show your antenna setup? Ive got an SDR to and im looking how to build a cheap antenna for short-wave radio. Do you use any antenna tuners and amplifiers or is your antenna just connected to the SDR?

    1. I have to say that since my hobby I need good quality signals so I mostly use the KiwiSDR network receivers. Anyway, sometimes I use my sdr which is directly connected to a so-called Raybakov antenna

  14. Hi,
    First of all, thank you for all your articles. They are very instructive and helpfull.

    I'm looking for IQ sample files from known standards (in HF and VUHF bands).
    Do you know where I can find that ?

    1. Thanks for your words. About IQ samples... don't know, sorry,

  15. Hello,I'm looking for the MSK demodulator .The download link expired.Can you give me a new download link? Thanks

  16. Hi, I hope you are well, what do you think is the best model of SDR keys.
