howto compute TDoA maps with GPS enabled KiwiSDR servers around the world using Christoph Mayer TDoA scripts and his forked "kiwiclient" python stuff
GNU Octave (>= 4.2.2)
python 2.x (mine is version 2.7.3)
After downloaded/installed octave and git, use git to clone TDoA repository
#cd <your_octave_directory>
#git clone --recursive
#git pull --recurse-submodules
make a copy of TDoA procedure and symlink to kiwiSDRs positions:
#cd TDoA
#cp proc_tdoa_DCF77.m proc_tdoa.m
#cd kiwiclient
#ln -s ../gnss_pos/ gnss_pos
in kiwiclient subdirectory there should be the file read_kiwi_iq_wav.oc, if not tryto compile:
#mkoctfile kiwiclient/
check if read_kiwi_iq_wav.oc has been produced then leave the directory and back home:
run octave from <your_octave_directory>:
#cd <your_octave_directory>
#octave --no-gui
install some needed packages
>pkg install -forge control;
>pkg install -forge signal;
and run the example:
>cd TDoA
this should produce two files in the png and pdf subdirectories
exit from octave:
== now you are ready== G8JNJ SV3EXP SM2BYC
(you have to give each station a name, I just use the KiwiDSDR name).
Also write down the central frequency in KHz of the target signal, eg: 5200.20
Now cd to kiwiclient and run the command to start the IQ recorders
the command has the format:
python -s sdr1,sdr2,...,sdrn -f fc -w --station= S1,S2,...,Sn --log_level info -m iq -L -f1 -H f2
sdr<n> = URL of the KiwiSDR #<n>
fc = central frequency of the target signal
S<n> = station name of KiwiSDR #<n>
f1 = lower limit of the bandwidth to record in KHz
f2 = upper limit of the bandwidth to record in Khz
so in our example, using 10 KHz badwidth (center 5200.20 KHz):
#cd <your_octave_directory>/TDoA/kiwiclient
#python -s,, \
-f 5200.20 -w --station= G8JNJ,SV3EXP,SM2BYC --log_level info -m iq -L -5000 -H 5000
Stop the n-recorders using CTRL-C (it should be enough to record 30sec to 2 min). You will get three wav files (as the number of the used KiwiSDRs) with different filenames which you have to move to the 'iq/' folder !!! and three new files in 'gnss_pos/' folder which contain the coordinates of the used KiwiSDRs.
Now you have to edit the TDoA/proc_tdoa.m file and change the filenames to process, eg:
input(1).fn = 'iq/20180703T074355Z_8022000_G8JNJ_iq.wav';
input(2).fn = 'iq/20180703T074355Z_8022000_SV3EXP_iq.wav';
input(3).fn = 'iq/20180703T074356Z_8022000_SM2BYC_iq.wav';
if you used five KiwiSDRs you will add new lines as:
input(4).fn = 'iq/..._iq.wav';
input(5).fn = 'iq/..._iq.wav';
then edit the titles of the plots (title) and jpg/pdf output files (plotname), as well as the limits of the maps and a known-location coordinates:
plot_info = struct('lat', [ 30:0.05:70],
'lon', [ -5:0.05:70],
'plotname', 'TDoA_8020',
'title', '8020 kHz 20180703T072736Z',
'known_location', struct('coord', [55.751244 37.618423],
'name', 'MOSCOW')
save the edited file and run it in octave (as the example above):
#cd <your_octave_directory>
#octave --no-gui
>cd TDoA
if everything went well you will have results files in the png and pdf subdirectories, exit from octave and browse the results.
Repeat from == now you are ready== for a new TDoA multilateration.
You might also try hf_linkz directTDoA, a python GUI interface to TDoA
Have fun!
Also now within the KiwiSDR user interface itself. On any Kiwi running version v1.196 or later: select "TDoA" in the "extension" menu. Click the help button for instructions.
ReplyDeleteJohn, ZL/KF6VO, KiwiSDR