since few weeks me and my friend and colleague ANgazu are studying interesting wideband waveforms family spotted on 4950 KHz (central frequency), just in the middle of the 60 mt Broadcast band, these transmissions have been also reported here by our friend KarapuZ from radioscanner. Monitoring was done thanks the KiwiSDR owned by WA2ZKD that can provide up to 20KHz IQ band
As shown in Fig. 1, they use Harris WB-ALE paradigm for call and link negotiation:
- STANAG-4538 FLSU initial call for link setup
- spectrum sensing to measure interference within the selected wideband channel
- new burst handshake exchanges spectrum sense measurements
- data exchange
- STANAG-4538 FLSU for link term
Fig. 1 |
The Harris wideband ALE approach and the 3G extensions for wideband have been previously discussed in this post.
For what concerns tha data waveforms, we saw bandwiths from 3-24 Khz and modulations from PSK-8 to QAM-64 with a data rate from 75 to 120,000 bps.
Each transmission begins with a transmit level control (TLC) block to allow radio transmit gain control (TGC), transmitter automatic level control (ALC), and receiver automatic gain control (AGC) loops to settle before the actual preamble is sent/received. A variable length preamble for reliable synchronization and autobauding follows the TLC section and it's followed by ariable length frames of alternating data (unknown) and mini-probes (known) symbols: times vary depending on the combinations of speed and modulation.
Although the characteristics such as BWs, modulations and speeds are the same as those indicated in Appendix D of MIL-STD 188-110D (WBHF), these adaptive waveforms definitely do not belong to that standard. Indeed, as shown in the following figures (2-5), the waveforms exhibit a common structure consisting of a super frame which is formed of 8 frames probably related to the 8 different allowable bandwidths: a similar structure and the duration of the frames (i.e., the number of K and U symbols) are quite different from what is stated in the Appendix D.
Fig. 2 - 4800Bd/6KHz waveform |
Fig. 3 - 7200Bd/9KHz waveform |
Fig. 4 - 9600Bd/12KHz waveform |
Fig. 5 - 16800Bd/18KHz waveform |
The frames structures have been verified also by analyzing some streams after the demodulation of the signals: in figure 6 the result of the demodulation of a 9600Bd/12KHz chunk (in this case using PSK-8 modulation):
Fig. 6 |
When measuring the symbole rate using the quadrature detector, an interesting pattern shows up: a repetitive 8 blocks group which are generated by miniprobes. Up to date, we know the "frequency" in these blocks is different for every speed, starting in lower freq and going upwards. In some modes a mirror image can be seen as in Fig. 7. This is an odd feature since it looks like miniprobes are not phase modulated as data are.
Fig. 7 |
The 8 different minprobes repeat in a particular series and are complicated to study, their structure point to a sequence (maybe using Walsh modulation?) that repeats 4 times: this pattern seems to be the same in all waveforms varying frequency/duration.
Fig. 8 |
We have other examples of such miniprobes but we prefer to postpone to a next post, if possible with more precise details. For this purpose, ANgazu and I would like to have some other better recordings (i.e., with IQ band > 20KHz) from friends in US so that we can gather more informations. Thanks!